So tonight is Halloween, and also my brother's birthday! We had a great birthday/Halloween/baby shower brunch with all of Matt and Kat's friends. Virginia was also in her bat outfit (see Matthew's facebook) which was to die for.
Yesterday my best friend Elisha came in to town to visit me for a few days, so i'm stoked! We spent the afternoon in the city walking around Soho and the Village and stopped in this cool cafe called Think Coffee. We both had Spanish lattes....I'm not sure what made it Spanish but it had a good spice to it :)

We then ended up at the Halloween Parade down 6th Ave. I have to say it was slightly disappointing, maybe I was expecting more like the Thanksgiving Day Parade. Here is us waiting for the show:

Whenever Elisha is here I always feel craftier and want to do fun projects. Last night I had ebay fever and won a bid for 200+ corks! You may ask why, but I want to make a nice cork board! I'm really excited and I want to get my craft on this week.
On the job front, still looking for work, although trying retail too. It's still tough no matter what, but it seems like the temp office may have found some more jobs for me.
I hope you all have a fun Halloween, and as a tribute to the King of Pop watch the Thriller video.